Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, January 13, 2025
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held at the City Finance Office in Geddes, SD. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Mike Krietlow, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Carol Oberbroekling, Amy Rolland, Andy Kok, Sue Schulte and Sandy Gant. Also present were Tim Whalen, City Attorney, and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.
No established change to the agenda.
No public input.
Sandy Gant made a motion to approve the December, 2024 minutes. Andy Kok seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
December, 2024 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Carol Oberbroekling and seconded by Amy Rolland to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
January, 2025 disbursements were presented. Sue Schulte made a motion to approve the January, 2025 disbursements and Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom: CK # Total All Description
NorthWestern Energy 7419 $ 1,825.23 Electricity
Randall Comm Water Dist. 7420 $ 399.00 Water bills
Geddes Farmers Coop 7421 $ 33.58 Gas
Midstate Communications DWD $ 164.12 Phone/Internet
Rural Development DWD $ 2,030.00 Sewer payment
Mike Krietlow 7422 $166.23 Salary
Sandy Gant 7423 $92.35 Salary
Andy Kok 7424 $92.35 Salary
Carol Oberbroekling 7425 $92.35 Salary
Amy Rolland 7426 $92.35 Salary
Sue Schulte 7427 $92.35 Salary
Monica Vander Pol 7428 $92.35 Salary
Donna Paulson 7429 $1,399.88 Wages
IRS DWD $467.83 Payroll tax
Whalen Law Office 7430 $225.00 Retainer/leg. Fee
Galen Vander Pol 7431 $100.00 Payloader rent
Bank West 7432 $25.00 Safety box rent
Unemployment Ins. 7433 $24.53 4th Qtr. UI
Kranigs Tractor Rep. 7434 $2,811.95 Blade repair
H&;H Electric 7435 $857.34 Street light rep.
Schuurmans Farm Sup 7436 $618.51 Mower upkeep
Planning &Dev. Dist 7437 $540.00 25 Membership
Geddes General Store 7438 $103.75 Cord/bolts/fuses
TOTAL $ 12,346.05
Old Business:
No old business.
New Business:
Discussion was held on the Platte Creek Brewery liquor commission if they obtained a retail (on-sale) liquor license. After discussion with city attorney, Tim Whalen, Sue Schulte made a motion to not lower their liquor commission. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Donna informed the council that she was contacted by Doug Dykstra on the city lot 3, block 10 in the Original Town, now City, of Geddes, Charles Mix County, South Dakota. This lot was previously appraised by 3 city council members in the amount of $499.00. 3 J-D Enterprises, LLC is wishing to purchase the lot for the appraised amount. Sandy Gant made a motion to sell the lot. Sue Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Sue Schulte made a motion to surplus Lot 1, N3’ of Lot 2, Block 10 in the Town of Geddes as it is determined that it is no longer necessary, useful or suitable for the purpose for which it was acquired. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Sandy Gant was asked by Mayor, Mike Krietlow, if she would be interested in staying on as representative for Planning & Development District III. Sandy agreed. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion for Sandy to stay on as representative. Amy Rolland seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Donna informed the council of the council vacancies in 2025. Sandy Gant in Ward I, Monica Vander Pol in Ward II and Sue Schulte in Ward III.
Donna informed the council that the Parks department was over budget by $2350.81, Insurance department was over budget by $628.50, Water department was over budget by $16145.46 and the Capital Assets department was over budget by $4054.79. Andy Kok made a motion to transfer $23800.83 from the Sewer fund to cover the above overages. Sue Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Donna informed the council that 2 CD’s are to be renewed on 01-13-25. Current interest rate is 3%. If the CD’s are moved to a 24 month CD, interest rate would be 4%. Sandy Gant made a motion to move the CD’s to a 24 CD and receive 4%. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Code enforcement contract for 2025 was presented to the council. Sandy Gant made a motion to renew the code enforcement contract for 2025. Amy Rolland seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Uniform Alcoholic Beverage License applications were received for the Geddes Bar for a retail (on-sale) liquor license and a package (off-sale) liquor license. Sandy Gant made a motion for the issuances of the liquor licenses and the issuance of an operating agreement and for Mike Krietlow to be the authorized signer. Sue Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Due to conflicts, the February 10, 2025 city council meeting needs to be moved to an earlier time. After discussion, the February 10, 2025 city council meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City council that the following resolution, repealing all prior salary and wage resolutions, be passed and approved. The Mayor, council and employees shall be paid once a month at the
following hourly wage:
Mayor, Mike Krietlow – will be at $150.00 wages plus $60.00 per meeting.
Council members – S. Schulte, C. Oberbroekling, A. Kok, A. Rolland, M. Vander Pol and S. Gant – will be at $100.00 wages plus $30.00 per meeting.
Finance Officer – Donna Paulson - $22.00 per hour.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and council shall determine all foregoing salaries and wages.
Dated this 13 th day of January, 2025.
City of Geddes
Mike Krietlow, Mayor
Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
No building permits received.
Sandy Gant made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Sue Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Mike Krietlow, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”